
Project information

  1. Location Ølstykke, Denmark
  2. Area7.800 m²
  3. Construction cost56 mill DKK

Project details

  1. Year2020 — 2024
  2. StatusCompleted
  3. Partners Juul & Nielsen
  4. Client Egedal Kommune
  5. Enquiries Lisbeth Olsen
  6. Scope Education environments

Søhøjskolen in Ølstykke is poised for a transformation, marked by consolidation and expansion to incorporate a 3rd track, a versatile multi-purpose hall, communal spaces, and an integrated after-school program. The vision is to forge a unified architectural identity that pays homage to the essence of the existing structures while breathing new life into the campus.

The Multihus as a Building System

The Multihus is developed as a modular structure with varying room heights and sizes based on a developed wooden construction principle. The house is organized with a multi-purpose hall, side wings in the form of group niches, and a functional distribution area that connects three school buildings.

The relationship between rooms can be changed throughout the day and year through folding partitions and large door panels. All surfaces are utilized for acoustics, built-in furniture, and recreational purposes.

A Cohesive School

The school's new extensions have been developed as an organic concept in wood, drawing inspiration from the forest as the theme for new spaces and connections while integrating with the existing school clusters.

Externally, a cohesive architecture is created, reinterpreting the existing buildings. Materials and colors are used to blend the new and old together, creating a sense of unity.

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Internally, the focus is on maximizing the utilization of space, creating efficient square meters, and thereby reducing CO2 emissions. This is achieved through well-designed connections, multifunctional furniture, and user-friendly solutions.