Norwegian Transparency Act

In accordance with the new Transparency Act, which took effect on 1st July 2022, Nordic follows the guidelines to promote respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions, and to ensure the public's access to information.

Norconsult writes the following on its website about the group's guidelines, which Nordic accordingly adheres to: Norconsult primarily takes social responsibility and contributes to a sustainable society through the services we provide. The company actively works to improve measures to secure that our operations do not violate internationally recognised principles and laws for human and workers´ rights, the environment, climate, nature, and corruption. Our main ethical principle is that everything we do must withstand the public eye. Norconsult evaluates the risk of violations of basic human and workers´ rights in its own operations and with business partners, as part of the company´s annual process for strategic risk management. Norconsult is committed to the UN Global Compact, and annually report on human rights. This forms the basis for conducting due diligence assessments.

Our business partners must sign a code of ethics, that expresses a defined standard for human rights and working conditions. In countries with a high risk of corruption and violations of human and employee rights, due diligence assessments are carried out as a part of a background check of the suppliers.

For questions regarding the Norwegian transparency act, contact:

Eline Dupont Rian

Do you have questions regarding the Norwegian transparency act?

Please email, and write attn. Eline Dupont Rian in the title field.

Read more in Norconsult's report here