Dybkær Church

Project information

  1. Location Silkeborg, Denmark
  2. Area510 m²
  3. Construction cost25,5 mill DKK

Project details

  1. Year2005 — 2011
  2. StatusCompleted
  3. Partners Lars Borgen
  4. Client Gødvad Menighedsråd
  5. Enquiries Helge Skovbjerg
  6. Scope New Build
    Culture buildings

The church, located near Silkeborg, together with the parish house, forms a unified four-winged complex arranged around an inner courtyard. Nestled within a bustling commercial complex, distinguished by a variety of structures and expansive parking facilities, Dybkær Church opens its doors inwards, creating a sanctuary amidst the urban area.

Its location in a commercial complex with diverse buildings has naturally led the building to open inwards. As a result, the church building appears heavy and closed, yet it clearly stands out from its surroundings, particularly with its distinct tower.

Sacred illumination

The space is large, bright and sacred. The use of daylight is an important element for the architecture, changing throughout the day and with every season and creating a variety of experiences for visitors.

Elegant serenity

The church's interior is adorned with furnishings of light wood, complemented by a graceful granite altar, and a bronze baptismal font, a masterpiece by the esteemed artist Jette Vohlert. Together, these elements weave a tapestry of serenity and grace, inviting all who enter to find solace in this sacred space.