The Greenlandic House

Project information

  1. Location Aarhus, Denmark
  2. Area478 m²
  3. Construction cost11 mill DKK

Project details

  1. Year2015 — 2020
  2. StatusCompleted
  3. Partners Tækker Rådgivende Ingeniører
    Wainø og Frandsen Landskabsarkitekter
  4. Client Aarhus Municipality,
    Det Grønlandske Hus
  5. Enquiries Troels Engsager Laigaard
  6. Scope New Build
    Culture buildings

The Greenlandic House in Aarhus has a distinct and visually striking new addition that is both an entrance for the existing building as well as a multi-purpose space for visitors and employees. The new culture hall was inspired by traditional Greenlandic architecture and creates an interesting contrast with the design of the existing building.

The entire project was generously funded by the A.P. Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation.

The Greenlandic House wanted a distinctive and welcoming culture hall to attract tourists and visitors and to market Greenlandic culture in Aarhus.

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Multiple functions and users

The Greenlandic House merges art, events, gatherings, food and culture. There is shoppe with food and crafts from Greenland.

Greenlandic companies and organisations have almost unlimited access to the House in the evenings and on weekends and use it in various ways such as events, lectures, exhibitions and celebrations.

Architecture, culture and identity

Located on the south side of the existing house and slightly turned and pulled out, the hall is a welcoming new main entrance to the Greenlandic House.

The architecture is inspired by the traditional gabled Greenlandic house, a bare and sharply cut wooden house with a pitched roof. The clean and precise form respects the architecture of the site whilst adding the element of contrasting proportions and materials.

Flexible layout

The space can be divided with built-in folding walls. Rooms directly connected to the foyer and shoppe are available for free use, whilst rooms in the east can be used for meetings or gatherings.

Parts of the long walls have integrated shelving for bookshelves, displays, seating niches, etc. On the south wall, a bay window offers a view of the bay.