Egeris Church

Project information

  1. Location Skive, Denmark
  2. Area880 m²
  3. Construction cost19 mill DKK

Project details

  1. Year2016 — 2018
  2. StatusCompleted
  3. Partners Ingeniørfirmaet Viggo Madsen
  4. Client Egeris Kirke Menighedsråd
  5. Enquiries Helge Skovbjerg
  6. Scope Interior design
    New Build
    Culture buildings

Egeris Church has undergone a comprehensive renovation and expansion effort, breathing new vitality and intrinsic value into the structure while preserving its authentic architectural essence. This noteworthy achievement emerged victorious from an exclusive architectural competition.

Poetic Daylight

The church's primary allure lies in the sensory treatment of daylight and materiality, where existing qualities in materials and spatial design are accentuated through an artistic and sensual manipulation of light.

The entire south-facing window section filters daylight through a filigree structure, enabling light patches to sweep over the church space reminiscent of light filtered through foliage. Consequently, the space is consistently experienced with nuances that vary depending on the time of day, season, and weather.

Distinct Architecture and Furnishing

As part of the renovation, the church interior has been elevated and made more visible to its surroundings, imparting greater significance to the church and emphasizing its axial placement in the urban context.

In lieu of the former spire, which might have seemed delicate after the renovation, a proper bell tower has been erected as a freestanding campanile in the forecourt. Additionally, a new bell has been added to complement the existing one.

In addition to the design, planning, and construction management of the church building, we have taken charge of the design of new church furnishings. The baptismal font and altar candlesticks were meticulously crafted by visual artist Jette Vohlert.

Sustainability, Buildability, and Lifespan

The construction has been carried out by local craftsmen to exacting artisanal standards. The project has been executed in interdisciplinary collaboration with the engineering firm Viggo Madsen.