Knudrisgade sustainable family living

Project information

  1. Location Aarhus, Denmark
  2. Area7.385 m²

Project details

  1. Year2019
  2. StatusDelivered
  3. Partners Loop Architects
  4. Client Boligkontoret Aarhus
  5. Enquiries Sofie Peschardt
  6. Scope Residential design

Sustainable transformation

A former council office in Aarhus is to undergo a massive transformation to become sustainable living units for families, certified to DGNB standards. The new residential area creates public spaces indoors and outdoors and will attract both families and single people through a large diversity in residential types and sizes.

The goal is to upcycle and rehabilitate as much as possible of the existing building to balance social effects, environmentally powerful solutions and construction and overall economy.

Diverse architectural expression

Each building has different facade materials and textures, creating a great diversity in the architectural expression. The buildings towards the street face the busy city life along one of the main roads into the city of Aarhus, and the facades are broken up with spaces and passages between the buildings. The upper floors appear homogeneous with small variations in the windows and openings towards the lively street.

Clad in natural materials

The courtyard buildings are withdrawn from the street noise and have the same natural slate facades on the base as the buildings along the road. The upper floors are clad in timber, with large balconies that are offset to each other for optimal daylight conditions.