Oslo University Hospital

Project information

  1. Location Oslo‚ Norway
  2. Area620.000 m²

Project details

  1. Year2014 — ongoing
  2. StatusUnder development
  3. Client Oslo University Hospital
  4. Enquiries Florian Wagnerberger
  5. Scope Hospital and health care planning and design

Health hub

Oslo University Hospital is currently divided across four locations. When the hospital needed new ideas for their vision of 'Campus Oslo', Nordic was asked to study and come up with physical solutions for a hospital as a connection hub in the city.

Urban healing

More than anything, this project was an exercise in urban development. Nordic worked on a concept called 'The hospital in the city and the city in the hospital'. The idea is that a hospital should provide a connection to the city instead of being a barrier to the neighborhood.

Seven solutions

We came up with seven solutions, all aiming to meet the following criteria: The hospital should be climate-friendly, well organised, flexible, have active green areas and be seamlessly incorporated with the university and the city.

After the exploration phase it was decided that instead of having one central hospital in Oslo, it should be organised into several smaller and specialised units at Gaustad and Radiumhospitalet, and at Ullevål or Aker. The allocation of the different hospital functions will be investigated in the next phase of the project.