
Project information

  1. Location Copenhagen‚ Denmark
  2. Area72.000 m²
  3. Construction cost1.1 mia. dkk.

Project details

  1. Year2020 — 2025
  2. StatusUnder development
  3. Client PFA
  4. Enquiries Hans Henrik Linde
  5. Scope Masterplanning
    Urban planning
    Residential design
    Design management
    New Build
    Project management

An Ocean of Life at Stejlepladsen

As client advisors we have participated in the development of a new city district in central Copenhagen - Stejlepladsen.

The name Stejlepladsen refers to the history of the site, as it used to be a place for local fishermen to hang their fishing nets to dry after a night at sea - The Rod Place.

The area is now being transformed. The ambition is to shape a diverse part of the city including both private housing, 25% affordable housing, daycare and retail in a 24h vibrant district.

The Sails are Being Set

The project will be built in three steps over the next few years. Once the area is fully developed, it will contain 52.000 m2 of private housing, 18.000 m2 affordable housing and a 2.000 m2 kindergarten for the Municipality of Copenhagen.

Illustrations by Arkitema